There once lived a boy called John who lived in an old, quaint cottage in Manchester. John was a loyal and super dog. He always helped his friends when they were in trouble.
One sunny, bright day John and his owner, James, were on a walk. John loved going on a walk with his owner on a bright, sunny morning. It was the best thing ever! Normally, John and James would walk to the local park but this day was very special. Today was John’s birthday and in order to celebrate his birthday, they went to an entertaining theme park.
When they arrived, John immediately ran to the park and went around in circles. There were millions of dogs. It was like a zoo full of animals. John stared around him in excitement. It was as if he was on cloud nine. Nothing could stop John from being happy here. The animals looked so happy that they looked like they were on top of the world. The rollercoasters (which were only for humans) shot up in the sky. The park which was packed with animals constantly bumping into each was a joyful place. That was until five teenagers around James’s age walked up to one of the dogs and insulted him. They were doing all sorts of stuff like grabbing the dog’s tail and swinging it around. John watched as the whole park was full of laughter, even James who was talking to them was finding this funny. This was not the kind of stuff John liked but what could he do? He wasn’t that good at fighting even though he was a dog. He only knew how to cheer them up if they were melancholy or upset.
John couldn’t bear to watch this and instantly ran towards the bullies and started yelling stuff to their faces. He didn’t know what he was saying it was just that he couldn’t control his anger. He watched as everyone stared at him in amazement. It sounded as if he was barking. Promptly, the 5 bullies dashed away never to be seen again. The people strolling away from him murmured stuff to themselves. James was not shocked that John moved the bullies away because he knew that John was doing the right thing to save the dog instead of laughing at him. Now John knew straight away that he had done his job, saving one of his best friends, and that is how a dog got its bark.